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Start a Tutoring business masterclass

7-9PM CST 


This 2 hour Zoom masterclass will be a combination of demo tutorial live from my office,

downloadable workbook so you can follow along, PLUS a live Q&A at the end.

What's included?

  • 2hr live Zoom Masterclass
  • Downloadable Workbook
  • Student Tracking Worksheet
  • Income Tracking Worksheet
  • ​Live Q&A Session
  • ​Masterclass Recording to Keep
With all of the upheavals in 2020, it is not surprising that 

more new businesses are starting than EVER before! 

Whether you are like me and looking for a change of careers or you are simply looking for a side hustle, starting a tutoring business uses what you know already and turns it into cash! 

You Will Learn

  • The nuts and bolts of starting a tutoring business
  • Questions you need to answer to make sure you get off to a running start
  • ​How to determine what to charge
  • ​How to find students
  • ​Easy ways to market yourself
  • ​And more!

This is for you if:

  • You are a teacher and looking for a way to make some extra money.
  • ​Your degree isn't in education, but you have always wanted to teach!
  • ​You are looking for a new business venture. With the low overhead and flexible hours, tutoring is a great business to start!
  • You already tutor, but would like to take your business to the next level.
  • ​You have some ideas of starting a tutoring business, but you aren't quite sure where to start.


Today's price = $97 $47

Engineer turned tutor turned Entrepreneur

I'd always wanted to be a teacher! As a little girl, one of my favorite stores to shop in was the "teacher store" are the local mall: gradebooks, chalk holders, and red pens! Oh how I tortured my younger brother when I made him play my student!

Even at 40 years old, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do when I "grew up."

By accident, I found I had a passion for tutoring when a friend who knew that I love math asked me to tutor her college-age son for a math class he was dreading. 

Tutoring turned into a profitable hobby for me, but it wasn't until about 5 years ago that I started treating my "hobby" as a business. A now 6-Figure business! 

frequently asked questions

What if I cannot make the Masterclass live?
The class will be recorded, so if you miss it live, you can watch it whenever is a good time for you. You will also be given the recording if you do attend live in case you need to go back and re-watch anything!
How will I get the materials?
All of the materials and the recorded Masterclass will be added to a Google Drive that you will have lifetime access to!
What if I have never tutored before?
If you have never tutored before, this is a perfect Masterclass for you! I'll give you ideas about how to run a lesson and where to find materials to use!
How will this help me if I already tutor all the time?
If you tutor all the time, but don't treat your tutoring like a business, this is the perfect class for you! I will be pulling from my 14+ years of experience as a tutor and business owner to share things that have worked and things that haven't worked for me!
What do I need to get my tutoring business started?
This is one of the things we will be covering in the Masterclass, including resources so that you don't have to find everything on your own!
What will I get out of a 2 hour Masterclass?
I'm doing this class to go through step-by-step to show examples and resources from where to find clients to what to put on social media and from why you should have a website to where can you meet with students!

Places are limited for this LIVE online class!


Today's price = $97 $47

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